John Motzkuhn

John Motzkuhn

* 07.09.1966
† 07.05.2008 in Bad Bodenteich
Erstellt von AZ Uelzen

1.423 Besuche


Kondolenzen (5)

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Von Dermot Boyd, London

07.05.2011 um 12:41 Uhr
It is now 3 years since the world lost the unique human being that was John Motzkuhn. It was my pleasure and privilege to know John when we were both students at The LSE. The world is a sadder place without his energy, zest for life, intelligence and sense of mischief. I became a better person simply by knowing him. My thoughts today are with his family and the many friends he made. The world would be a much better place if more of us were like Doc Mott. 1love


Von Andrea Stahl, Moenchberg

02.07.2010 um 10:59 Uhr
Ich denke oft an dich, John. Du warst mir ein wichtiger Freund und oftmals auch wertvoller Ideengeber. Gerne denke ich an unsere schoenen Momente in Ft. Pierce, Florida (wo unsere Feundschaft begann), Boston (wo wir eine verrueckte - typisch studentische - Zeit hatten) auf Hofpoint (hier hatten wir unsere besten Gespraeche und laengsten Spaziergaenge mit und ohne Stute Jutta und Bruderherz Robert) in Hamburg und schliesslich Bad Bodenteich (viel zu selten!). Unser beider Leben hat sich in all den Jahren in ganz verschiedene Richtungen entwickelt, und wir sind voneinander weggedriftet, aber es gab immer wieder Momente, wo wir uns wiederfanden.. ich denke da vor allem an den langen Spaziergang (in Gummistiefeln) durch die Bodenteicher Salzwiesen... du warst so voller Hoffnung, dass sich alles zum Guten wenden wuerde. Ich hoffe und denke, dass du deinen Frieden gefunden hast. Und, mein guter Freund, du hast positive und deutliche Spuren hinterlassen, auch in meinem Leben! RiP, Deine Andrea


Von Bill Dunworth, Philadelphia, PA, USA

31.12.2008 um 01:42 Uhr
Please accept my condolensces on John's passing -- I had no idea and just came across this site by chance. Though I hadn't been in touch with him and Robert for quite a number of years, I still think of both of them and all of you fondly. I remember how kind all of you were to me when I spent time with all of you one Christmastime in Bodenteich while I was living in Berlin. John was a special person and I remember enjoying his company when we met up at various points in Heidelberg, London, Berlin and Bodenteich. Please ask Robert to contact me if he can. Thinking of all of you this holiday season. Bill Dunworth


Von Leena Ansari, Roedermark

22.10.2008 um 21:10 Uhr
I am so terribly sorry for your loss. My deepest most heartfelt condolences to all of you. I still can't believe I had to hear about it this way. It is a terrible loss of a truly wonderful, sweet and kind person. I wish I had better words to express my sadness. I am sorry that this reaches the family so late, but I only heard about this today per chance via ASK alumni friends. Rest in peace John.


Von Paul Bonner, United kingdom

19.10.2008 um 22:03 Uhr
Im Sorry, this message is late and i should have been there for you as you were so many times for us. John, truly on in a million, a friend and confidante. We shared life, we shared good times and talks of sorrows, always so strong. I miss you John, so wish you were here for me to tell you again how you have affected my life and thinking. Sleep well and enjoy with friends like Mr Marley who i am sure you have teamed up with by now! Thinking of you! Paul